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Arkansas State Trooper gets a salacious criminal case sealed and keeps his job even though he provided booze to an underage female


We received a tip about Arkansas State Police Trooper Quincy Elliot Harris that made a startling claim.

We made a FOI request to the Arkansas State Police ("ASP") for a copy of Harris' personnel file and any investigative file concerning him.

Trooper Harris objected to our FOI request and the ASP's intent to release the requested records to us. He sought an Attorney General's Opinion about the release of the public records.

As expected the Attorney General backed up the ASP's decision to release the records.

The records we obtained revealed two disciplinary actions against Harris.

The first instance was in June of 2021 and involved Harris violating a direct order of his Captain by leaving his assigned patrol area in North Pulaski County to help the FBI with a traffic stop in Little Rock without obtaining permission from his on-duty sergeant or immediate supervisor.

It was not the first time Harris did that. In fact Harris had been previously counseled  twice for being out of his assigned area.

Accordingly, in August of 2021, Harris caught a two day suspension for Insubordination and was ineligible for promotion for one year.


The second disciplinary incident and the one that we were tipped off about - and the one that Harris tired to hide - was in January 2021 and involved Harris, at that time 25 years old and a married man, and a 20 year old ASP Dispatcher.

This incident has two aspects; (1) a criminal complaint/case filed against him (the rape allegation) and (2) an administrative one that involved Harris furnishing alcohol to an under aged individual - the 20 year old ASP dispatcher.  

We have little details about the criminal case as it has been sealed, except for the tip we received,  what the AG stated in his opinion and what was said in a video recorded interview between ASP Office of Professional Standards personnel and Harris.

from the AG Opinion:

In a video recorded interview on February 10, 2022 of Harris by ASP OPS personnel we learn another investigation had already taken place (about the rape allegation and sealed criminal proceeding). 

From a review of online court records, Harris was not involved in any traffic cases  for about a month before he was interviewed on February 10th . Perhaps this is when the sealed criminal case occurred.

ASP/OPS Interview of Harris on 2/10/22:

The investigative file, A22-002, was heavily redacted to remove details of the sealed criminal case. 

What we learn is that on or about January 14, 2022 Harris, a married man,  went to the home of a 20 year old ASP dispatcher, got her drunk and had sex with her multiple times.

According to his statement, they had been flirting around with each other at work and sending  messages to each other via Facebook Messenger for a while. But things took a turn on January 14th.  They made plans to hook up after work.

Harris went to his marital home and grabbed a bottle of Hennessy. When he got to the 20 year old house, he poured them some drinks and they sat on the couch and watched a movie (The Longest Yard with Adam Sandler).

While laying on the couch and watching the movie, the 20 year old, laid her head his chest. A few minutes later she was giving him a blow job. Then they leaded for the bedroom, taking off their clothes on the way. By the time they got to the bed they were both naked and they had sexual intercourse.

After they finished, he cleaned up and as he was getting dressed, he told her nobody needs to know what's going on with us at work. He left and went back to his marital home.

The complaint against Harris was filed the next day.

Based on the evidence and Harris admission of policy violations,  he caught an 80 hour suspension and got his sorry ass transferred from Troop A in Pulaski County to Troop E in Desha County.

That was not all of the problems Harris experienced due to his lack of judgment and criminal behavior.  His wife divorced him.

Harris married LRPD cop Ashley Duncan on May 25, 2018.

Ms. Harris is no stranger to disciplinary actions herself.

It was one thing for him to take that bottle of Hennessy, but she could not tolerate his adultery.

Speaking of Adultery...Harris is a member of the Arkansas National Guard. 

The U.S.Military take a dim view of adultery...

Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice makes criminal the act of adultery when certain legal criteria, known as "elements," have all been met. There are three distinct elements to the crime of adultery under the UCMJ: first, a Soldier must have had sexual intercourse with someone; second, the Soldier or their sexual partner was married to someone else at the time; and third, that under the circumstances, the conduct of the Soldier was to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces or was of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces.


We asked the Arkansas Nation Guard for comments. They had not responded at the time this story was published. 

The ASP is a corrupt organization and has a shitload of sketchy cops like Harris.


Quincy Harris ASP Personnel File

ASP Investigation file Aa-21-017

ASP Investigation file A22-002



***UPDATE  08/27/24 ***

Harris is a member of the Arkansas National Guard.   

The Judge Advocate General of the Arkansas National Guard has opened an investigation into Harris, who is a military policeman, and is about to be deployed to Romania for a year.

Harris committed adultery and it was the grounds for his divorce.

Involvement in extramarital affairs is considered illegal by the U.S. military.

An adultery charge is considered severe, so the consequences are equally grave. The maximum punishment a service member can receive includes forfeiture of all pay and allowances, confinement for up to a year, and a dishonorable discharge.

Stay tuned for updates.

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