The Little Rock Police Department is asking citizens and businesses to "partner" with them to help fight crime in the safe city of Little Rock. They created a website for you to sign up and connect your doorbell and home or business security cameras to their "Real Time Crime Center". Camera integration is an expensive process. And all records regarding the location and providers of the cameras are not being released to the public because the Scott Administration states the individuals and businesses that participate are considered to be confidential informants . Confidential informants are also know on the street as snitches . We know this because we made a Freedom of Information request for records associated with And this was the reply we received from the city and LRPD. What is Arkansas Act 1012? Take a look. Is the city of Little Rock paying for the pricey devices to connect these camera to their secret police web based system?...
This blog is dedicated to exposing and documenting misdeeds and misadventures of local, county, state and federal agencies and their employees in Arkansas.