ROB PRATT - HE TOLD THE SPA CITY BLUES SOCIETY BOARD TO "FUCK OFF" WHEN THEY INQUIRED ABOUT CHARITABLE PROCEEDS DUE THEM FROM THE HOT SPRINGS CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL IN 2016 Back in 2014, the Spa City Blues Society organized the Hot Springs Craft Beer Festival. The Spa City Blues Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which sponsors a variety of cultural activities in Hot Springs. Since 1997, they have been dedicated to preserving the blues music genre while supporting and holding various community events throughout Garland County and surrounding areas. One of their pet projects is the Blues in the Schools program. The festival was a huge fundraiser for the society that year and the next. Pratt helped the society organize the festivals and the permits to sell alcoholic beverages were issued in his name for the Spa City Blues Society. IN 2015 100% OF GROSS PROCEEDS WENT TO THE BLUES SOCIETY Pratt once worked for a local radio station and had some experience in ...