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Showing posts from March, 2023

City of Little Rock releases a copy of a memorandum regarding lack of public notice of a 2022 pursuit where a child was killed

  Did fear of more AFOIA violation lawsuits get this released?   Back in July 2022, we broke the story of an illegal LRPD pursuit into Saline County that resulted in the death of a child .  Click here to view it. We were able to obtain records that no other media outlet was able to obtain and utilizing our vast database of LRPD records were able to identify the officers involved as well as their personnel files (obtained via a AFOIA lawsuit). The records we obtained clearly revealed that the command staff at LRPD was aware of the incident.  We also pointed out that the former police chief and the feckless mayor kept this incident from the public as it was an election year and issues at LRPD with personnel committing crimes was something they wanted to keep from the public. The mayor feigned ignorance yet refused to provide copies of text messages. Being an election year, he had to act like he gave a fuck, so he ordered an inquiry to determine why the incident was no...

Arkansas prison deputy warden Adam Clark exposed as a racist

    The Arkansas Department of Corrections ("DOC"), or as they were rebranded to during the administration of former governor Asa Hutchinson...the Division of Correction ("DOC" too), has a shady past. Back in 1969, a book Accomplices to the Crime: The Arkansas Prison Scandal , written by former Arkansas prison warden Thomas Murton, exposed violence and corruption at Tucker State and Cummins State Prison Farms and detailed the discovery of unmarked graves of prisoners killed in the prisons.   Much of the squalid conditions, violence and corruption depicted in the film was the subject of a 1970 federal court case, Holt v. Sarver , in which the federal court ruled that Arkansas' prison system violated inmates' constitutional rights, and ordered reform.  There have been other scandals involving prisons in Arkansas too numerous to go into at this time. DOC employees get fired for all type of wrongdoings all the time too. From bringing contraband into prisons, ha...

Home and vehicle in the Hillcrest area of Little Rock riddled with bullets from automatic weapon

Bullets ricochet off driveway and strike a house in Hillcrest area Another drive-by shooting incident last night in the safe city of Little Rock occurred in the Hillcrest area near Van Buren and F Street.         A video from a doorbell camera captured the incident. Incidents like this happen daily, but usually not in the majority white areas of the city like Hillcrest. This proves that no part of the city is safe.  

Problematic Arkansas State Trooper Russell Alan Aiken suspended and transfered over sexual harassment of fellow female Trooper - His command chain tried to keep it a secret

  We introduced you to Trooper Aiken back in September 2017 in a report about Arkansas State Police Troop L being under review after Aiken rammed a fellow Trooper with his patrol vehicle and other employees were caught fraudulently claiming they worked on days they took sick leave. Click here for that story. As we reported, in August 2017 Aiken was involved in a car chase and mistook a plain clothed fellow ASP Trooper, Lt. John T. Overman, as a suspect and struck him with his patrol vehicle and held him at gunpoint. At the time Overman stated that Aiken was an extreme liability to the agency, the safety of the public, other officers and himself. Aiken initially refused to take responsibility for his actions and inappropriately made jokes about the incident.  He even went so far as to keep a piece of his damaged bumper to make a plaque to commemorate his ramming and permanently injuring Lt. Overman. An internal investigation was conducted and the outcome of the investigatio...