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Showing posts from August, 2019

Activist and blogger forms Exploratory Committee for LRBOD At-Large Position 9

Complete homicide count so far for Little Rock in 2019

The listing highlighted are homicides committed by LRPD officers

LRPD Officer Tyrus Harris crashes his patrol vehicle into Rx Catering on Capitol Avenue

LRPD Officer Tyrus DeShun Harris According to the accident report (#2019-107737) Harris was driving south on Chester Street, in the wrong lane of traffic, when he rammed into a black Lexus driven by Ann McNulty Bordueax of Little Rock. After ramming Bordeaux's vehicle, Harris crashed into RX Catering causing several thousands of dollars of damage to it. We were the only news organization to obtained the security camera footage from Rx Catering that recorded the accident. In fact we provided it to two television stations that requested it after we posted our report on YouTube. Here is our exclusive coverage of the incident. We have requested the MVR footage from officer Harris' vehicle and will post it as an update as soon as we receive it.

Where do LRPD take-home vehicles go? - Episode 52 - Sgt. Lea Dawn Folsom

Sgt. Lela Dawn Folsom drives an unmarked vehicle home In 2018 we spent $1,032.79 on fuel for Folsom's take-home vehicle. In 2017we spent $958.93 on fuel for Folsom's take-home vehicle. LRPD and the city of Little Rock refused to provide us information regarding the city where the take-home cars go. So much for being transparent and open. They provided it last year and you can read our post about that by clicking here . Since they refuse to provide the information (the take home city is what we requested), we will post where these vehicles are actually going (their address which was not requested and is exempt under the AFOIA) and how much we pay for the fuel to provide transportation for these officers to drive to and from their homes each day. More than half of all LRPD officers refuse to live in the city of Little Rock and be a true part of our community. Those are mercenary officers.     Many LRPD officers that have take-home vehicles use them to drive to and fro...

LRPD Liars List - special preview

For sometime now we have been collecting records on Little Rock Police officers that have been found in internal investigations to have falsified records, made willful misrepresentations, and lied (they use the term untruthfulness). Experts say one of the concerns about police officers who tell even the smallest of lies is that their false statements can be used to discredit their testimony in unrelated court cases. While the badge brings a certain amount of automatic credibility with jurors, it can be easily tarnished. The persistence of lying by the police has inevitably become a contributing factor to wrongful convictions, in Little Rock and beyond. The New York Times wrote: “Police lying raises the likelihood that the innocent end up in jail – and that as juries and judges come to regard the police as less credible, or as cases are dismissed when the lies are discovered, the guilty will go free.” Police departments have been rewarded in recent years for the sheer numbers...