DFA/ABC ENFORCEMENT AGENT KENNY HEROMAN AND HIS WIFE On September 17, 2012 the Department of Finance & Administration filed a Certificate of Indebtedness against Kenneth and Sharon Williams-Heroman for non payment of income taxes in the amount of $1,126.12 for the period of 12/31/2010 through 12/31/2011. The Heroman's finally paid their tax obligation and obtained a release on November 27, 2012. Heroman has worked for the ABC since 1999 and his wife at the time was a certified court reporter. Both appear to have had above average incomes for Arkansas. At the time Kenny's state salary was over $50,000.00 a year and Lydia's income was over $40,000 a year ( Court Report Salary in Arkansas ). The Arkansas per capita income in 2011 was $33,740.00. The Heroman's owned two homes at the time (and still do), one in Pine Bluff... and the other in East End... Heroman more than likely receives retirement benefits from the Pine Bluff Police Department. He might have had some inc...
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