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Showing posts from November, 2023

LRPD cop Michael Wilbanks arrested for criminal trespass, disordely conduct, and harassment

An affidavit for the arrest of Mercenary LRPD cop Michael Anderson Wilbanks, age 42, of Cabot, AR was filed in the Cabot office of the Lonoke County District Court on November 16, 2023 in connection withe an incident that occurred on October 22, 2023. According to court filings, Wilbanks was stopped at a stop sign and was not moving. Another individual went around him and Wilbanks followed that man to his residence. Wilbanks jumped out of his car and angerly yelled at the man saying he was a cop and had a gun and "wasn't afraid to use it". Wilbanks also made a comment to the man's wife..." I'm not afraid to shoot a dog either". Here are the court filings. Wilbanks has been employed by LRPD since October of 2011. It's not the first time Wilbanks behavior has landed him in court. Check out that incident on our affiliated Corruption Sucks Blog . According to sources at LRPD, Wilbanks has been "relieved of duty". Just last week three other L...

Three LRPD cops "relieved of duty" over incident at Club Trois

Sources at LRPD have confirmed a tip we received that three LRPD cops, Brad Stewart, Lee Pitts and Justin Sims have been "relieved of duty" in connection with an incident at Club Trois. The story we were told is that Stewart was working off-duty at Club Trois and dealt with an inebriated female club patron by soaking her with pepper spray.  LRPD General Order  ("G.O.") 303 requires that a cop that uses physical force, non-lethal control and compliance devices, on or off-duty, follow certain procedures. Use of pepper spray is a Level 4 event. Here are the specific procedures. LRPD sources tell us that they are trained to call MEMS after they use pepper spray or a taser on an individual. They are to file an incident report and they file an officer's report or letter form (5600-2) with their immediate supervisor for each use of force incident. Here's an example of an officer letter form.   Not a single procedure was followed in this incident. And to make matter...

Our sixth FOI lawsuit against the Scott Administration was another slam dunk for transparency

    The feckless Little Rock Mayor is not an advocate of transparency.  We have filed six Freedom of Information Denial of Rights lawsuits against his administration to obtain a court order requiring his administration to provide us the records his administration refused to provide. The scofflaw mayor has the honor of being the most sued mayor in the history of the safe city of Little Rock for Freedom of Information Act violations.  LR Mayor Frank Scott, Jr. flees from courtroom in November 2022   Our latest lawsuit was heard last week and once again a judge found our rights under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act had been violated by the Scott Administration. The city of Little Rock was represented by a fairly new chief deputy city attorney Reed R. Edwards (they have a hard time keeping that position filled). The last one Alan Jones, quit to become a public defender in late February or March of this year. Reed Edwards - Chief Deputy City Attorney   ...

Indiana University Bloomington here are some things you needs to know about police chief candidate Keith Humphrey

  Keith Humphrey’s tenure as Little Rock's police chief was one marked by lawsuits and scandal.  During his first year after becoming Little Rock’s 38th chief of police in April 2019, the Little Rock Fraternal Order of Police voted that they had no confidence in Humphrey, a resolution passed by nearly 84% if it's membership.  The former police chief had two investigations still open against him when he announced his retirement in May 2022 (If a certified law enforcement officer voluntarily leaves employment during an on-going investigation they are subject to decertification).   Now it's time to get all the facts out to the good folks in Toledo about Humphrey so they won't let their city leadership make the same mistake the feckless Little Rock mayor did by hiring Humphrey. Humphrey is a Killer On June 23, 1999 Humphrey was a police officer in Arlington, TX and was working off-duty, in plain clothes, at a Dillard's Department store in the Six Flags Mall. Roy Don...