Evidence indiciates that LRPD cops let an intoxicated, naked Conway cop leave the city without any charges as a favor to one of their own.
LRPD cops let a fellow intoxicated cop from Conway , Cebron Hackett, slip out of Little Rock after stripping naked and dancing at Discovery night club on October 13, 2019. TV news coverage shows the LRPD cops treating Hackett much differently than they would have anyone else. Their actions or rather lack of actions, violate their oaths of office and departmental policy. Hackett should have been charges with public indecent exposure (Ark. Code Ann. 5-14-112) and public intoxication (Ark. Code Ann. 5-71-212) . Will they face any consequences. Doubtful. LRPD is Corrupt from the top down. All three officers working off-duty side jobs claim the work was police related. One of those cops should have been fired years ago when he lied in an internal and criminal investigation. Curtis Van Pelt - Why is is still employed and FTR with his corrupt history? Officer Curtis Van Pelt was working an unauthorized off-duty side job at another club back in 2010 when he failed to file a report and tak