We coined the name Little Rock Slasher for the serial killer On April 29, 2021, the Little Rock Police Department posted a video on YouTube that alerted the citizens of the safe city of Little Rock about a serial killer that was using a knife to brutally attack and murder individuals. First Victim The first murder occurred on Monday August 24, 2020 at 2200 S. Gaines Street and the victim was Larry Eugene McChristian (W/M, age 64). McChristian was from Yellville, AR (the town that used to drop a live turkey from an aircraft during the annual Yellville Turkey Trot Festival). He was staying with a daughter that was on probation and lived in little Rock at that time. McChristian had gone to the emergency room (via ambulance) at the UAMS hospital on August 20, 2020 and was discharged at around 6 a.m. on Friday August 21, 2020. UAMS could not reach his daughter by phone and they gave McChristian information about homeless shelters and a bus token. His daughter filed a missi...