LRPD desperate to improve image makes a staged social media post trying to pass off a convicted felony as a participant in the OK Program
Russ Racop - January 24, 2021 On or about November 17, 2020 LRPD posted this on their Facebook and Twitter feeds. The problem with this post about Owen having been in the OK Program is that he never was and is in fact a convicted felon. The man pictured in the fake post is Owen Chandler Blake, a twenty-three year old man that was never a participant in the OK Program according to sources in the OK Program of Little Rock. Blake was arrested and charged with residential burglary (felony) and criminal mischief back in September 2019. Blake accepted a negotiated guilty plea and was placed on probation. Blake was given the mask by a former LRPD officer that was involved in the OK Program. Blake has a younger brother that did participate in the program and that is his only connection to it. Having or wearing an OK Program mask does not signify involvement with the program. We attempted to find out how LRPD came in possession of the photos or who removed it but the city and LRPD ignor