Ward 1 city director Virgil Miller appears in a promotion video for the Little Rock Convention & Visitors Bureau. He gives several reasons why he is big on Little Rock. Those reasons include food, museums and walk-ability. What Miller left out was that he's scared to drive through certain parts of the safe city of Little Rock and will go out of his way to avoid those areas. No doubt many of the areas he is frightful of are in his own ward. Miller is a corrupt individual, he was connected to the illegal campaign activities of fellow board member Atwan Phillips . Phillips campaign for office is no doubt the most corrupt one ever in the city's history and Miller and an intricate part of that and he was Chairman of Phillip's exploratory committee that acted as an illegal entity in violation of state laws . The feckless LR mayor appointed him to fulfill the term of Erma Hendrix after her death as a payoff for support and to insure that he would be able to be elected t...
This blog is dedicated to exposing and documenting misdeeds and misadventures of local, county, state and federal agencies and their employees in Arkansas.