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Showing posts from February, 2023

Ward 1 city director Virgil Miller speaks out of both sides of his mouth

Ward 1 city director Virgil Miller appears in a promotion video for the Little Rock Convention & Visitors Bureau. He gives several reasons why he is big on Little Rock. Those reasons include food, museums and walk-ability.  What Miller left out was that he's scared to drive through certain parts of the safe city of Little Rock and will go out of his way to avoid those areas. No doubt many of the areas he is frightful of are in his own ward.   Miller is a corrupt individual, he was connected to the illegal campaign activities of fellow board member Atwan Phillips .   Phillips campaign for office is no doubt the most corrupt one ever in the city's history and Miller and an intricate part of that and he was Chairman of Phillip's exploratory committee that acted as an illegal entity in violation of state laws . The feckless LR mayor appointed him to fulfill the term of Erma Hendrix after her death as a payoff for support and to insure that he would be able to be elected t...

Arkansas Supreme Court Justice with questionable ethics goes off in a zoom hearing about suit coats

  On February 2, 2023, The Arkansas Supreme Court at the last minute, due to icy road conditions, held a hearing over Zoom instead of in-person. The hearing was an appeal filed by attorney and law professor Robert Steinbuch for his client, attorney Chris Corbett.  The appeal concerns a state law that bans firearms from courthouses, except for bailiffs and other “officers of the court." Steinbuch argues that definition includes attorneys who are "officers of the court" under state law. About twenty minutes after the hearing began, Justice Hudson pulled out her Karen Card and scolded Steinbuch and Corbit for not having a coat on and put the hearing on hold until the were "properly attired".   Hudson made a snippy comment that since Steinbuch had mentioned at the start of the hearing he had students watching, she said "we need to take a highlighter to a couple of large missteps you have taken procedurally with the court this morning". We could not fin...

$116,385 in unpaid parking fines owed in Little Rock - Booting is underway

LR Deputy City Attorney Kimberly Chavis gets her car booted for owing $900 in unpaid fines   We last posted about parking fine scofflaws in the safe city of Little Rock back in July of 2019 . At that time individuals that had unpaid fines owed $260,000.  The list the city provided was compromised of individuals that had outstanding fines that totaled over $250. The individual that owed the most back then was an employee of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. She owed $10,950.  Top offenders in 2023 The list we recently obtained has fines totaling $116,385. The top offender in first place on the current list is Zajahnee D. Freeman (25) with fines totaling $4,050. Freeman works for the Arkansas Department of Human Services as a purchasing specialist and resides in North Little Rock and drives a 2013 Chrysler 300.   No doubt LR Parking Enforcement has her vehicle on their hot list. Coming in at second place is Brandon Michael Brimley (34) of North Little Rock who owes $3,235...

Toledo, OH residents here are some things you needs to know about police chief candidate Keith Humphrey

  Keith Humphrey’s tenure as Little Rock's police chief was one marked by lawsuits and scandal.  During his first year after becoming Little Rock’s 38th chief of police in April 2019, the Little Rock Fraternal Order of Police voted that they had no confidence in Humphrey, a resolution passed by nearly 84% if it's membership.  The former police chief had two investigations still open against him when he announced his retirement in May 2022 (If a certified law enforcement officer voluntarily leaves employment during an on-going investigation they are subject to decertification).   Now it's time to get all the facts out to the good folks in Toledo about Humphrey so they won't let their city leadership make the same mistake the feckless Little Rock mayor did by hiring Humphrey. Humphrey is a Killer On June 23, 1999 Humphrey was a police officer in Arlington, TX and was working off-duty, in plain clothes, at a Dillard's Department store in the Six Flags Mall. Roy Don...