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Showing posts from October, 2021

Is mercenary LRPD cop Danielle Robinson fit for duty?

The city of Little Rock has refused to comment on this matter due to the involvement of Cochran Russ Racop - Snarky Media Group Records obtained via a Freedom of Information request from the Little Rock Police Department cast doubt on the fitness of duty for mercenary LRPD cop Danielle Robinson, a resident of Jacksonville, AR. Just what is Robinson's alleged disability? After all she is charged with protecting citizens of the city and enforcing laws and carries weapons, well, some of the time she does. Recently Robinson had her weapons and gear in her personnel vehicle, a violation of LRPD policy, and they were stolen.  Does she have physical or mental issues that can impact her ability to function? Do these disabilities place citizens and other cops in danger? Take a look at this video. Perhaps there is some good news for Robinson about her stolen handgun, the Arkansas State Police recovered a gun reported stolen by LRPD yesterday during the search of a vehicle during a traffic s...

LRPD spends $50,000 for cellphone application that points out unsafe areas of Little Rock

LRPD spent $50K for this poorly rated, seldom downloaded copaganda application   Russ Racop - Snarky Media Group In keeping with his promise to make Little Rock the safest city in Arkansas and in the United States, the problematic LRPD chief has contracted with a company, MobilePD, Inc.,  to provide citizens of Little Rock (ones that are willing to expose their private data to download and install it) information about dangerous areas of the city. Chief Keef learned about this application when he and other LRPD cops went to Texas earlier this year to tour Austin and Dallas police facilities.  Only four other law enforcement agencies utilize this reboot of the racist and now defunct SketchFactor app. Records obtained from LRPD show that back in August, they signed a contract costing almost $50K with MobilePD to add their agency to the mobile application. LRPD has been added on that app but there is no live data, just information about their substations and advertising for...