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Showing posts from January, 2025

Former Bryant cop arrested and charged with illegal use of ACIC database.

The Arkansas State Police sent out a press release on January 28th that a former Bryant, AR cop. Christopher Bennett, 22, of Little Rock had been arrested for illegally accessing information on the Arkansas Crime Information Center ("ACIA") database. That database is comprised of information that ACIC obtains from various other databases. Cops can see criminal history, driver's license photos and information as well as mugshots from arrests amd much more. Bennett was employed by Bryant PD from May 30, 2023 through December 16, 2024. According to the affidavit for his arrest, Bennett used the confidential law enforcement system to send a photo and information about a Willie Dixion to his brother Demarcus Bennett. Demarcus Bennett then sent Dixon a photo on Facebook messenger of that confidential information. Demarcus Bennett also received information from his brother about a man that he was involved in with a hit and run accident.     As we have previously reported , when ...

Take a look into a LRPD sexual offender/predator investigation

  Most all of us have watched police television shows or movies that deal with police investigations, including ones involving teachers having a sexual relationship with minor students. Not everything that you see on these police televisions shows or movies depicts how police investigations are actually conducted. To help you understand how the Little Rock Police Department conducts these investigations, we will show you how they put a file together that goes to the Prosecuting Attorney. We will use records we obtained for a series of stories we published about a Pulaski County Special School District teacher that groomed and exploited one of her minor students into sexual encounters.          If you find this type of story interesting, you will be excited to know that we plan on having similar stories that deal with a homicide investigation and an officer shooting investigaton in the safe city of Little Rock.

Registered sex offender has a LRPD badge - LRPD is clueless

  We discovered that a convicted sex offender named David Dwayne Williams, that uses the alias Rakim Farrakhan, had bragged about beating a LRPF cop's ass and taking his badge (#1275) back in March of 2024. In 2019, we had great difficutly in obtaining records from LRPD regarding badge numbers.   After many excuses - LRPD claimed the computer that had the record of badges assigned to LRPD cops had crashed and existing records were not complete - LRPD provided us with some badges numbers  and in those records it shows that badge number 1275 was assigned to Jordan Allen. Allen was assigned to SW Patrol. Based on available records, Allen appears to have ended his employment with LRPD in 2023.     Allen would have turned in all his LRPD issued equipment upon his resignation.   We sent a FOI request to LRPD about badge #1275 and LRPD has no record about it being lost, missing or stolen.   They also did not provide any records about it being reissued to anot...

LRSD Hall High School principal was suspended for event where fight with gun errupted. Released records also make reference to a Crimes Against Children investigation

Carlton McGhee - Hall High principal   On August 3, 2024, a non-district basketball tournment took place at Hall High school. A fight broke out and a juvenile had a handgun and used it to strike several individuals.   Turns out McGhee did not follow established LRSD policies about use of district facilities. McGhee caught a five day suspenion without pay.     Then in December, a complant was made to LRSD about a volunteer softball coach at Southwest High School having innapropriate conact with a student. Unbeknownst to LRSD, the SWHS coach was a convicted sex offender .  We broke the story about that two days after that complaint was logged and an insider tipped us about it and the sex offender angle - l  Records we obtained from LRSD about the sex offender volunteer coach at Southwest High, contained emails between Jordan Eason, LRSD Human Resources Director of Employee Relat...

One of the LRPD cops involved in the New Year's Day homicide by cop incident was fired from previous law enforcement position

LRPD fuck-up cop Jesse David Garcia-Hurtado   Records obtained from the Benton Police Department reveal that Jesse Hurtado was fired on January 23, 2023 for serious violations of the Benton Police Department Standards of Conduct. Those records also show that in May 2016, Hurtado submitted an application and  then Sgt. Brian Bigelow with Benton PD had questions about his being hired due to multiple issues with truthfulness concerning his employment application and criminal history. Lt. Brian Bigelow Benton Police Department Bigelow found that Hurtado failed to report six years of convictions of traffic violations that included a warrant/arrest for failure to appear and suspension of his drivers license for over a year. Hurtado was disqualified from emplyment (at that time) due to his lack of truthfulness. Hurtado then went to work as a electrician then as a prison guard witht the Arkansas Department of Corrections. Hurtado reapplied to Benton PD in June of 2021 and was hired...