LRPD records revel Chief Keef can't shoot for shit Unredacted records provided by the crackerjack LRPD FOI Unit reveal what the shooting incident involving the LRPD chief on New Years Eve proved, the problematic LRPD chief can barely hit the side of a barn with his handgun. As the LRPD records show, Chief Keef just sneaked by with a score of 82% to pass. A minimum score of 80% is required by certified LRPD cops to show proficiency and qualify each year. On December 31, 2021, the LRPD chief was patrolling the city, due to a police officer shortage, and rolled up on a fight at the Superstop on Asher Avenue. As Chief Keef, or Swaggy K as he refers to himself ¹, pulled along side a white Dodge vehicle, jump out with his gat in his hand and fired off round without any warning. Chief Keef was shooting at a woman firing a weapons just a few feet from his vehicle. LRPD chief's SUV directly in front of shooting suspect Taz Hayes Here are a couple of videos of the chief ...
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