LRPD Officer O'Neal drives a unmarked vehicle to his home in Saline County LRPD Officer David Winston O'Neal, Sr. Like most all LRPD officers, O'Neal refuses to live in the city that employs him. So we give O'Neal an umarked LRPD vehicle to drive to and from his home in Saline County to work in Little Rock as a mercenary police officer and we pay for the fuel. In 2019 we spent $845.31 on fuel for O'Neal's take-home vehicle. In 2018 we spent $1,246.16 on fuel for O'Neal's take-home vehicle. LRPD and the city of Little Rock refused to provide us information in 2019 regarding the city where the take-home cars go. So much for being transparent and open. They provided the take-home location in 2018 and you can read our post about that by clicking here . Since they refuse to provide the information (the take home city is what we requested), we will post where these vehicles are actually going (their address which was not requested and is exempt u...
This blog is dedicated to exposing and documenting misdeeds and misadventures of local, county, state and federal agencies and their employees in Arkansas.