Tainted ABC Enforcement Director Boyce Hamlet has been under pressure for quite some time due to the discovery and exposure of his hidden past and lack of qualifications for the position he was appointed to by Governor Hutchinson. Hamlet, racked with fear and uncertainty about his continued career in law enforcement after his 15 year period of lying about his employment history to hide his hiring and firing from the Arkansas State Police to obtain jobs he had no chance of getting if he actually told the truth was uncovered, had to do something to keep the approval of Governor Hutchinson. Hence this email to his minions. No doubt Hamlet wanted to claim credit for "an innovative program" that he could email his boss and the Governor's Office a series of "pat me on the back" emails. The most innovative program that could be developed for the ABC is how they can get rid of Hamlet. We have a feeling he won't be around too much longer. It's hard to keep a posi...