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Showing posts from June, 2024

Arkansas State Trooper resigns after DWI and child endangerment charges are filed against him

Former ASP Trooper Mitchell Smothers According to a news release the Arkansas State Police sent us this morning, Trooper Mitchell Smothers resigned after he rolled his personal ride over with his two daughters in the back seat last night. Smothers was charged with Driving while Intoxicated ("DWI") and child endangerment. Smothers was only held at the Washington County Detention Center for two hours. He was released without bond. Perhaps he got the Good Ole Boy Treatment as he is a former Washington County Sheriff's Deputy. Smothers played football (defensive lineman) at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville from 2011 through 2015.   Smothers is set to appear at West Fork District Court on August 1, 2024. We have requested video from the Washington County Sheriff's Office. Stay tuned for updates.  ### The Washington County Sheriff denied our request for videos.  This is the statue they claim exempts the videos. They really do not want the public to see how drunk t...

Former Sheriff's Department Deputies charged with stealing time from off-duty employer. Both catch felony charges.

  Two Pulaski County Sheriff's Deputies resigned in March 2024 after they were caught stealing time from an off-duty employer, Arkansas Children's Hospital ("ACH").   On March 11, 2024 ACH contacted LRPD and reported that Williams and Mayfield had been fraudulently claiming time worked. Michelle Tull, ACH Physical Security Manager, told LRPD detective David O'Neal that video recordings showed Williams clocking into work and then he used Mayfield's ACH ID card to clock her in. This had been happening since January 11, 2024. Tull also found video showing that Williams left the ACH campus multiple times after clocking in and returned several hours later.  ACH payroll records provided to LRPD revealed that Williams and Mayfield were paid $40.00 per hour and that Williams received approximately $21, 361 for time he did not work and Mayfield received approximately $17,778.00 for time she did not work. Both Williams and Mayfield were charged with Theft of Property, a...