LR CITY MANAGER BRUCE MOORE DID NOT BOTHER TO READ A FOI REQUEST SENT TO HIM In a defiant and foolish act, City Manager Bruce Moore revealed his contempt for transparency and the rule of law by deleting a Freedom of Information Act Request emailed to him without reading it. SCOFFLAW BRUCE MOORE Moore has increasingly come under fire for the action and lack of action he has taken on issues. At one recent town hall type meeting, one individual said Moore was a good person but a bad city manager. We are not certain that he is a "good" person either. He certainly lacks ethics and credibility, which are necessary traits of a "good" person. This is the email we sent to Moore and city leadership in response to the notice that our FOI request to Moore went unread. We are at a crossroads here in Little Rock and in order to move forward in a positive and constructive manner both Moore and Buckner have to go. The time for change is now. #CleanOutLRCityHall #TimeForChange