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Showing posts from May, 2021

LRFD twits play chicken and destroy two fire trucks that will cost $1,400,000.00 to replace

LRFD employees Phillip Prater and Casey Reep were the demolition derby drivers   Russ Racop - May 25, 2021   On Thursday, May 20th, two Little Rock Fire Department apparatus (the work LRFD prefers to use for a fire truck) slammed into each other at the intersection of University and 28th Street. Six firefighters were taken to the hospital with injuries that were not considered life-threatening.  A LRFD spokesman said the engines were responding to the same call on Broadmoor Drive that came in at 4:24 p.m., but he would not give any other information about the call. According to a witness, one firefighter was trapped inside of one of the trucks for a few minutes. That firefighter was not identified. Details of the accident are laid out in the accident report.  The city refused to provide the names of the two LRFD firemen driving the trucks, saying they were subjects of an investigation.   We did not let that slow us down. We went to straight to LRPD and obtained ...

LRPD cop Rashud Willams runs over man

Russ Racop - May 23, 2021   LRPD cop Rashud Williams hit an elderly black man while heading West on 12th Street just blocks from the LRPD 12th Street Substation.  Witnesses report he was traveling faster than the speed limit without emergency lights or siren when he stuck the yet to be identified man. They also report he just stood by with a glazed look on his face. LRFD responded to render aid to the victim but onlookers became concerned when it took longer than normal for a MEMS ambulance to arrive.  A yet to be identified LRFD fireman told the onlookers that MEMS wouldn't respond with them at the scene. Stay tuned as we have requested the videos.   ***UPDATE***    

Did Dennis Rainey, follower of Jesus Christ and co-founder of FamilyLife, pay his disciples to cut down 100 trees from government owned land to improve his view of Lake Maumelle?

If trees are in your way - pay not pray to get them out of the way   Russ Racop - May 22, 2021   According to a report filed with the Pulaski County Sheriff's office on May 14th, Dennis Rainey hired six men to clear trees on property he did not own. The trees were on land owned by Central Arkansas Water.   Rainey's home is located at 20325 Spillway Road.   The land were the trees were cut sits between his property and the Lake Maumelle, a water reservoir for the City of Little Rock.  KARK has this video posted on YouTube about the criminal act.   Raven Lawson - Central Arkansas Water   Raven Lawson, Watershed Protection Manager with Central Arkansas Water, stated that “We don’t take things like this lightly. The tops of the trees look like something out of the Lorax,” said Raven Lawson with Central Arkansas Water.   The Lorax is a children's book written by Dr. Seuss and published in 1971. It chronicles the plight of the environment and the Lorax,...

Little Rock mayor's brother saved from prison by mental defect

Darrell Lamont Scott - Not guilty due to mental defect   Russ Racop - May 11, 2021   In July 2020, we reported about the arrest of Darrell Scott, the brother of the Little Rock mayor, for auto theft and kidnapping. You can read that post by clicking here.  Pulaski County Circuit Judge Cathleen Compton found Scott not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect on Monday, May 10th and committed him to the Arkansas State Hospital.     Court records show that the Pulaski County Prosecuting Attorney wanted Scott to be registered as a sex offender. Watching the city board meeting tonight and the last month, makes one wonder if the mayor suffers from a mental defect as well.    

Maumelle High School teacher Stephanie Almand facing charges for sexual relationship with student

  Russ Racop - May 10, 2021 Last Friday, May 7th,  mainstream media outlets reported about a 28 year old female teacher at Maumelle High school at was reportedly involved in an illegal sexual relationship with a male student under the age of 18. None of these media outlets would name the teacher.           Why these main stream news outlets lacked the courage to name the teacher is a question you will have to ask them. The allegations made against her and her name is public information (and are public records) and we have the courage and the obligation to post those them. This is not the first time a teacher at Maumelle High School has been caught having sex with a student.  That teacher caught a five year prison sentence. We were the first media outlet to name her and did so in our Weekly Update yesterday. We obtained the Maumelle Police Department Incident Report regarding the sex crime. The alleged sex crime is reported to have occurred at Alma...