Back on June 12 th , we reported that the ABC refused to provide information about two ABC permit holders that according to statements made by ABC attorney Milton Lueken, were issued permits in violation of ABC regulations. As of this date the ABC and DFA have refused to respond to any requests regarding Lueken’s statement and these two questionable permits. This information was “leaked” by Lueken in an administrative hearing regarding Louis A. Sheppard’s application for an ABC permit. Pay particular attention the word application . That word will be important later in this story. Louis Sheppard made an application for an ABC permit back in October 2011. Sheppard’s application for a permit was conditionally approved by the ABC Board. It is important to note that the application for his permit was conditionally approved, there was no permit issued. ABC Regulation 1.35 requires that any conditions attached to the granting of a permit be met within 12 months or the application ...
This blog is dedicated to exposing and documenting misdeeds and misadventures of local, county, state and federal agencies and their employees in Arkansas.