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Showing posts from May, 2020

Our allegations about the beleagured Chief Humphrey are addressed by other media outlets - Those outlets identify a leak at LRPD

On Tuesday May 12th, we posted about the LRPD's Chief Keef getting caught early in the morning of April 3rd at his side-chick's house. We also detailed serious issues with her pending employment under Chief Keef at LRPD. You can view our post by clicking here . On Wednesday May 13th, Chief Keef and our May 12th post were discussed on a talk show on KARN during an interview with City Direct Lance Hines. Hines stated that he has no confidence in Little Rock Police Chief Keith Humphrey. He went on to say ,  “This latest issue is very concerning and I am not confident that our police chief can continue to lead our department." He added, “My confidence in our police chief is not there” and that “There is a quite a bit dysfunction going on in the leadership.” KATV aired a story about what City Director Hines was putting out about lawsuits filed against Chief Keef and his personal financial issues, issues we exposed in a post back on April 12th. You can view that post by clicki...

LRPD mercenary cops want the beleaguered chief gone - A case of the pot calling the kettle black

Around 70% of all LRPD cops refuse to live in Little Rock due to crime and schools The Little Rock Fraternal Order of the Popo sent a letter out to its members and they want the beleaguered Chief Keef gone.  Well, that's probably the first and last thing we will ever agree on with the LRFOP. Unless it's to disband the LRFOP. These slime-balls got their panties in a wad when Chief Keef fired the terminal fuck-up, whiny ass, killer cop Charles Starks. This klanish organization is led by a piece of shit, lying ass motherfucker named Ronnie Morgan.  Morgan is a documented liar (see our LRPD Liars List by clicking here ) and has no business being a certified law enforcement officer.   Their previous president is even stinker than the present one.  LRFOP VP Erik Temple is a piece of work as well.  Erik Temple   Chris Ringgold - a not so undercover cop Why the city of Little Rock has contract negations with these lying cocksuckers defies reason. In order to repair...

More problems surface for the beleaguered LR Police Chief

LRPD Chief Keith Humphrey and his alleged side chick and fellow deadbeat Karen Hunter If multiple lawsuits filed by underlings and a journalist for numerous Freedom of Information violations was not enough, grab some popcorn and take a seat. We have previously posted about the lawsuits filed against Chief Humphrey by several LRPD employees and the city of Little Rock as well that the multiple lawsuits we have pending against him for Freedom of information violations. You can read those posts:   We also broke the story about Chief's financial problems and resulting lawsuits. Click here to view that story.   Perhaps you will see a new filing regarding a...

Another lawsuit filed against the LRPD Chief by employees

Four more LRPD employees have filed a lawsuit against bemired LRPD Chief Keef Humphrey. The lawsuit centers on a refusal to provide the Plaintiff's copies of their own personnel files and a hostile work environment created by the mercenary, lying, financially troubled police chief.   Four more LRPD employees su... by Russ Racop on Scribd The lawsuit states that CLR HS Labor & Employee Relations Manager, "Dr." Sheila Atlas-Evans refused to hand over copies of personnel files and init=tate an investigation of Cheif Keef. We have previously posted about "Dr." Atlas. She obtained her fake doctorate from a known diploma mill. She once refused to take a verbal FOI request from us. You can read that post by clicking here . The lawsuit also stated that city of Little Rock Human Resources Director Stacey Witherall attempted to cajole one of the Defendant's to drop his request for his file and complaint against Chief Keef.   CLR Human Resources Director Stacey ...

Second Assistant Chief and another officer file an employment discrimination lawsuit against the LRPD Chief and the city of Little Rock

Less than a week after LRPD Assistant Chief Hayward Finks and two other officers filed their employment discrimination lawsuit against Chief Humphrey and the city of Little Rock,  Assistant Chief Alice Fulk and Lt. Cristina Plummer filed a  similar lawsuit.   LRPD Asst. Chief Alice Fulk... by Russ Racop on Scribd Like the lawsuit filed back on April 22nd by Assistant Chief Finks, this lawsuit claims that Chief Humphrey took out his frustrations on Assistant Chief Fulk and Lt. Cristina Plummer and his actions took the for of discrimination. Humphrey also yelled at Fulk and locked her out of areas others in the command staff had access to. Fulk's lawsuit also mentioned Humphrey's financial problems (the ones we exposed) and his residency issue (the one we exposed).  Fulk was by far the best candidate for the LRPD Chief position, but was not chosen by the feckless mayor Frank Scott the junior. Stay tuned for updates.

LRPD conducting an internal investigation into questionable vehicle chase that resulted in a civilian death.

LRPD cops involved in vehicle chase on April 26th LRPD has opened an internal investigation into a vehicle chase that resulted in the death of an innocent citizen. The investigation was revealed in a LRPD response to a FOI request made for records regarding the questionable chase. The narrative from the incident report gives little detailed information and the city refuses to release the 911 call(s), radio traffic and mobile video recordings ("MVR") from police vehicles that might shed more light into what happened. The complete incident report can be viewed by clicking here . LRPD has a history of getting innocent folks killed by chasing vehicles through the city which led to an overhaul of their pursuit policy back in 2015. The complete police can be viewed by clicking here . LRPD also violated the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act by refusing to release the 911 call, radio traffic and MVR footage.  We will be filing yet another AFOIA Denial of Rights lawsuit against the ...