Our allegations about the beleagured Chief Humphrey are addressed by other media outlets - Those outlets identify a leak at LRPD
On Tuesday May 12th, we posted about the LRPD's Chief Keef getting caught early in the morning of April 3rd at his side-chick's house. We also detailed serious issues with her pending employment under Chief Keef at LRPD. You can view our post by clicking here . On Wednesday May 13th, Chief Keef and our May 12th post were discussed on a talk show on KARN during an interview with City Direct Lance Hines. Hines stated that he has no confidence in Little Rock Police Chief Keith Humphrey. He went on to say , “This latest issue is very concerning and I am not confident that our police chief can continue to lead our department." He added, “My confidence in our police chief is not there” and that “There is a quite a bit dysfunction going on in the leadership.” KATV aired a story about what City Director Hines was putting out about lawsuits filed against Chief Keef and his personal financial issues, issues we exposed in a post back on April 12th. You can view that post by clicki...