Sgt. Kenneth Lamar Durham, a/k/a, Mike Durham drives an unmarked vehicle home Sgt. Kenneth Lamar Durham, a/k/a, Mike Durham Durham is currently registered to vote at a residence he sold back in 2012 when he divorced. That is a violation of Arkansas laws. There are no records of his ownership of any other residence/real estate in Pulaski County. He is not assessing any property at that address. Not even the VW Beetle he got to keep in his divorce. VW Beetles are the favored vehicle of serial killers. Read about that by clicking here and here . There is a James Anderson that is a LRPD officer. Not sure the current owner is the same person but if it is, maybe he lets Durham sleep in the garage. In 2018 we spent $1,612.15 on fuel for Durham's take-home vehicle. In 2017 we spent $1,451.43 on fuel for Durham's take-home vehicle. Wait a minute... that 2017 fuel record indicates that Durham resides in Benton. A search of Saline County records does not reveal any records for a Kenn...
This blog is dedicated to exposing and documenting misdeeds and misadventures of local, county, state and federal agencies and their employees in Arkansas.