YES, ARKANSAS DESERVES BETTER THAN FULTS Yesterday, our publisher made a quick trip to Home Depot in West Little Rock. He noticed a car parked in a handicapped parking space that had "Fults for Senate" magnetic signs on both driver and passenger doors. The car, a small Hyundia sedan, did have a blue handicapped hang tag hanging on the rear view mirror, but was parked in a spot designated for vehicles that have an additional sticker on the license plate, the one that allows you to park in a van accessible handicapped parking space. To park in a space like this, your vehicle must display the Van Accessible sticker on the license plate. This is what the sticker looks like. This one is on the vehicle of our publisher's mother, who uses a mobility device and can legally park in a space like the one the Fults' illegally parked in on Sunday morning. THE VAN ACCESSIBLE STICKER PERMITS PARKING IN A HANDICAPPED SPACE MARKED VAN ACCESSIBLE Fluts' vehicle had no such stick...