Arkansas State Trooper gets a salacious criminal case sealed and keeps his job even though he provided booze to an underage female
We received a tip about Arkansas State Police Trooper Quincy Elliot Harris that made a startling claim. We made a FOI request to the Arkansas State Police ("ASP") for a copy of Harris' personnel file and any investigative file concerning him. Trooper Harris objected to our FOI request and the ASP's intent to release the requested records to us. He sought an Attorney General's Opinion about the release of the public records. As expected the Attorney General backed up the ASP's decision to release the records. The records we obtained revealed two disciplinary actions against Harris. The first instance was in June of 2021 and involved Harris violating a direct order of his Captain by leaving his assigned patrol area in North Pulaski County to help the FBI with a traffic stop in Little Rock without obtaining permission from his on-duty sergeant or immediate supervisor. It was not the first time Harris did that. In fact Harris had been previously counseled twic...