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Showing posts from September, 2023

LRPD cop crashes his personal car and catches DWI charge

Chris Riley, a/k/a Paul Christopher Riley, a Little Rock Police officer since May of this year was arrested for DWI around 2 a.m. this morning after he crashed his 2016 Ford Fusion in the Rivermarket parking deck at 500 E. 2nd Street. When his fellow LRPD cop Cameron Woeppel responded to a call about a crashed car, he found Riley passed out drunk in the vehicle. Here's what LRPD had to say. The incident report listed an cache of weapons confiscated from Riley's vehicle. Five handguns (including his LRPD issued pistol) and two hunting knifes. Riley was in violation of LRPD policy having all his police gear in his vehicle.   Here's the full report.    Prior to his employment with LRPD, Riley had been with the Benton Police Department.  If Riley quits or gets fired, he will have to repay the $10,000 signing bonus he received and any incentive payment for renting his apartment at the swanky Pointe at Brodie Creek on S. Bowman Road in West Little Rock. ###  

Arkansas State Police Big Hat Hot Mess - Records they want to hide

  We made a Freedom of Information request to the Arkansas State Police ("ASP") for any list maintained by ASP that reflected or listed disciplinary actions that resulted in a suspension for currently employed ASP Troopers. ASP replied and their Office of Profession Standards ("OPS") maintained such a list and that it had about 80 troopers on that list. ASP was required to notify those individuals that we had requested that record. Apparently that record hit a hot spot with some troopers on that list and they objected to it being provided to us. Colonel Mike Hagar, the Secretary of the Arkansas Department of Public Safety and ASP Director requested an opinion from the Arkansas Attorney General regarding the release of this record. Col. Mike Hagar  The ASP provided this record in response to our request.  H The AG's opinion states the two troopers object to the release. Their names were not provided but we think we might have an idea who they are. Four troopers