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Showing posts from April, 2020

LRPD chief caught in a web of his own lies

LRPD Chief Keith Humphrey We broke the story back on April 12th about the  three lawsuits filed against Humphrey over serious unpaid credit card debts. To view that post click here . The news of those credit card debt judgments added to questions about Chief Keef and his personal life. ● He is staying in an apartment in Little Rock's trendy SOMA gentrified area as a single man while his wife has remained in Norman, OK in their marital home (which he also claims as his residence - see legal filings in our April12th post) and continues to work at the University of Oklahoma. ● He altered his appearance by shaving off his gray hair trying to appear younger and is seldom seen wearing a wedding ring. ● He traded in his J.C. Penny dad suits for skinny shredded jeans from The Gap. Those credit card debts and judgments, along with questions about his residency,  referenced in the lawsuit filed against his by LRPD Assistant Chief Hayward Finks on April 22nd.  You can view our post ...

Assistant Chief and two other officers file an employment discrimination lawsuit against the LRPD Chief and the city of Little Rock

It appears that LRPD Chief Humphrey holds the distinct dishonor of being named in more lawsuits during his first year of employment than any other LRPD Chief in the history of the department. This morning, Assistant Chief Hayward Finks, Duane Finks (the Asst. Chief's brother) and Reginald Parks, filed an employment discrimination lawsuit against Chief Keef and the city of Little Rock. LRPD Asst. Chief Finks sues... by Russ Racop on Scribd The newest lawsuit against Chief Keef and the city, details how Chief Keef retaliated against several of his employees. It also gives an insight into his nasty, vindictive demeanor, which was no surprise to us. The lawsuit also makes references to information we uncovered about Chief Keef and his financial and residency problems. You can read our sotry about that by clicking here . Chief Keef has also exhibited some signs of mental illness in that he is paranoid and appears to be a pathological liar. He has stated that he can only trust a coupl...

Court records reveal LRPD chief didn't pay credit card bills and racked up judgments totaling over $27K and has another pending case over an additional $15K debt

LRPD Chief Humphrey never left home without his credit card and never paid the bills LRPD Chief Keith Humphrey has some serious financial issues as indicated by three lawsuits filed against him after he was hired by the city of Little Rock. Before he could get settled in Little Rock, without his wife (more on that later), Deadbeat Keith had two judgements totaling $27,036.05 filed against him for failing to pay credit card debts. A third lawsuit is ongoing for a $15,870.94 credit card debt. Keith Humphrey Debt Lawsuit 1 by Russ Racop on Scribd Keith Humphrey Debt Lawsuit 2 by Russ Racop on Scribd It make us wonder if he was about to get fired in Norman, OK for his questionable financial behavior. Also troubling is his answer to the third lawsuit in July 2019 in which he states  he is a resident of Norman, OK even though he was living and registered to vote in Little Rock, AR.  Keith Humphrey Debt Lawsuit 3 by Russ Racop on Scribd LRPD Rules and Regulations has tw...

Where do LRPD take-home vehicles go? Episode 60: Officer Joel Alicea-Perichi

Alecia-Perichi drives an umarked LRPD vehicle to his home in Saline County Alecia-Perichi 2015 photo Alecia-Perichi 2013 photo       Like most all LRPD officers, Alicea-Perichi refuses to live in the city that employs him. So we give Alicea-Perichi an unmarked LRPD vehicle to drive to and from his home in Saline County to work in Little Rock as a mercenary police officer and we pay for the fuel.   In 2018 we spent $1,903.86 on fuel for Alicea-Perichi' s take-home vehicle.   LRPD has provided conflicting records concerning 2019 fuel costs and vehicle numbers are not matching records they earlier provided. LRPD and the city of Little Rock refused to provide us information in 2019 regarding the city where the take-home cars go. So much for being transparent and open. They provided the take-home location in 2018 and you can read our post about that by clicking here .   Since they refuse to provide the information (the take home city is what we requested)...