
Inebriated LRFD Captain jumps from Jeep and kills himself

According to records provided to us by the Arkansas State Police, an inebriated off-duty LRFD Captain Robert Shannon Hild, age 54,  jumped from a Jeep Wrangler being driven by his wife and killed himself. His wife, Amanda, age 47 told officers that he had threatened to do that on prior occasions. The incident took place after the couple stopped at a liquor store in Maumelle while returning from spending the day on the lake in Heber Springs. The report states that the couple had been in "an ongoing verbal altercation" while driving and that both Hild and his wife "had been drinking" and that Hild was "heavily under the influence of alcohol". When the couple got to Maumelle, Hild stopped at Lake Liquor to get more booze. After Hild went into the liquor store the wife got in the drivers seat of the Jeep. When Hild exited the store, he started walking away from the parking lot. The wife followed him in the Jeep and he got back in the vehicle. They began to arg
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