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More problems surface for the beleaguered LR Police Chief

LRPD Chief Keith Humphrey and his alleged side chick and fellow deadbeat Karen Hunter

If multiple lawsuits filed by underlings and a journalist for numerous Freedom of Information violations was not enough, grab some popcorn and take a seat.

We have previously posted about the lawsuits filed against Chief Humphrey by several LRPD employees and the city of Little Rock as well that the multiple lawsuits we have pending against him for Freedom of information violations.

You can read those posts:
We also broke the story about Chief's financial problems and resulting lawsuits.
Click here to view that story.
Perhaps you will see a new filing regarding a domestic relations action filed in Norman, OK.

Multiple sources report that sweat pants wearing Humphrey was video recorded coming out of the residence of Karen Hunter at approximately 6:30 a.m. on Friday,  April 3rd.

Humphrey had his city owned black Chevrolet Tahoe backed into the drive way of the home Hunter leases on Nichols Road.

Chief Keef's city issued ride

Chief Keef's love shack?

We obtained positive proof of this but due to protection of our confidential sources we agreed to not post or share the video evidence.

Humphrey has recommended that Hunter be selected to fill a position at LRPD that deals with the 80 million dollar budget of the department.

Hunter being selected for that position is extremely problematic.

The most obvious problem is her alleged relationship with a married Humphrey.

Like Humphrey, Hunter has personal financial problems that would prevent her from being hired as a bank teller, much less someone with access to 80 million dollars. 

A couple of months ago a default judgment was obtained against Hunter here in Pulaski County Circuit Court back in February.

Hunter failed to pay her credit card bill at Lane Bryant.

With this on her record, Hunter could not get a job as a bank teller.

Hunter having access to funds at LRPD places those funds in jeopardy.

Hunter also has a warrant out for her arrest from District Court here in Little Rock.

Hunter was cited back in December 2018 for driving on a suspended license (more on that later).

Hunter pleaded guilty and was fined $375.

Hunter has only paid $100. So a warrant was issued for her arrest.

That suspended license matter stems from another traffic stop that occurred back in in Arkadelphia, AR.

She failed to appear in that case and a warrant was issued for her arrest and her drivers license was suspended.

Hunter was served with the warrant on May 11th and has a court date set for May 27th in Arkadelphia.

Hunter lies a couple of times on her application for the job at LRPD.

Hunter provides false information on her city job application.

Hunter states she has a driver's license when it's actually suspended (see form and active court cases above).

Hunter states she is a Vice President at Philander Smith College and second in command of the Student Affairs Office when she is in fact an Administrative Assistant, a/k/a/ secretary. 

Hunter has the balls to states she has professional level experience with financial management,budget activities and law or regulations.

Her legal problems exhibit the opposite. 

Perhaps her failure to pay her obligations and scofflaw attitude make her a perfect match for Humphrey.

What is clear is that both of them do not need to be city employees.


Another issue with Hunter is her failure to provide her change of address (from her mother's home at 3018 Lehigh Drive LR to 2022 Nichols Road) to the Department of Finance & Administration for her driver's license and to the Secretary of State for her voter registration.  Same goes for her personal property assessment.

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