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Conway Police are looking for information about a fight that happend last night. Tell them we have all the tea.


The family of a man that is a contractor for ARDOT showed their klan cards last night after a fight at Maly's Entertainment Center in Conway, AR.

Michael Wade Kennedy, a convicted felon, allegedly fought with and stabbed a Black teenager outside the venue then he and his klan hurled racial epithets at the teenagers and their families.

The Kennedy klan has a long association with ARDOT (formerly the Arkansas Highway & Transportation Department).

Maylays advertises to "Bring the Whole Gang" and apparently that is what the Kennedy klan did.

Here are videos before the fight and of the fight. In the videos you can see the convicted felon Michael Kennedy brandishing a knife.



Here are three videos that show what happened after the fight. In one of the videos you can see Kennedy holding a knife and then secreting it in a females rear pant pocket.



Michael Drew Kennedy was sentenced in 1999 to a 10 year prison sentence after he attacked a man with a knife at a club just like he did last night.


 He appealed that conviction and it was denied.

He also has a conviction for attacking two men in a home invasion back in November of 2012. He was initially charged with a felony by through klan connections or a bribe/payoff, the charges were dropped down to a misdemeanor. He also was arrested for DWI twice.


Posts on Facebook have spread like a wild fire concerning the incident and places of employment of all the alleged perpetrators.



Even the knife wielding felon Kennedy is making taunting, racially charged posts.


We spoke with a sibling of the 16 year old that was stabbed and slashed in the face by the felon Michael Kennedy.

The teen was with friends walking to the entrance of Malays when Kennedy and other members of his klan harassed the teen and his friends making provocative statements like  "hey n----r, why are you holding your dick?" (a reference is made to that by a Kennedy klan female, Kelli Kennedy Lovelady, the owner/operator of a  hair salon in one of the videos). 


The family member of the victim said felon Michael Kennedy attacked their sibling and attacked him with the knife and a pole (Conway cops were photographed holding a pole used as a weapon laughing). The teen fought to defend himself.


Conway PD took a statement from the teen at the scene, but took no action against the Kennedy klan at that time.

Conway PD has a terrible record in its interaction with Black folks and there have been recent deaths of Black men in the custody of Conway PD.

The Faulkner County NAACP Unit 6112 is hosting a emergency meeting tomorrow night from 7pm-8pm at the Mcgee Center that is open to the public.


Charges have been filed against one of the klansters involved in the fight, 53 year old Chuck Don Hartwick of Heber Springs. Hartwick was charged with one count of Battery, a Class D felony and five counts of Aggravated Assault, Class D felonies as well.


 Here is the affidavit for Hartwick's arrest.

Another one of the klansters, Kelli Ann Kennedy Lovelady, was charged with disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

It's not her first time for catching charges for her issues with booze.

The Conway mayor and acting police chief skipped the NAACP meeting and apparently went to meet with a bunch of KKK folks a/k/a, white preachers.


At the Conway City Council meeting last night (01/09/24) the interim Conway Police Chief and the head of the Faulkner County NAACP spoke about the incident at Malay's. Members of the city council were silent.

Interim Conway Police Chief Chris Harris

The interim police chief told the angry crowd that the police did not know that anyone had been attacked with a knife until the day after the incident.


Faulkner County NAACP President Latonya Duncan

The Faulkner County NAACP president stated "We know these individuals are not from Conway...We want individuals like them to stay out of Conway."

The teenager attacked and stabbed by Michael Kennedy was introduced by his pastor while his father stood with him.

Klanster and convicted felon Michael Kennedy turned himself in at that meeting and is facing two counts of Aggravated Assault, class D felonies. Conway PD says additional arrests are possible as the investigation is on-going.



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