Arkansas Ethics Commission begins investigation of First Community Bank and 25 LRPD cops for violations of the Gift Prohibition Statute
26 LRPD cops broke the law accepting an illegal monetary gift |
On March 22nd, we posted a story about First Community Bank handing out illegal gifts to 26 LRPD cops.
Yesterday the Arkansas Ethics Commission notified our own Russ Racop that they had accepted his complaint and were beginning an investigation.
Here are all 52 pages that Racop received.
The normal procedure is that after the investigation is completed, the Commission will make a settlement offer. That is where the bank official and the cops admit and agree they violated the law. They could also be fined.
The Commission said they could not move forward on the complaint about the undercover cop as they require a name to began an investigation.
Racop responded by offering a bit of advice on how to include the undercover cop.
The problematic LRPD chief refused to open an investigation as he said it was not a violation of the law. What will he do when his own employees admit or are found by the Commission to have violated the law?
This is another example of how corrupt the current city administration is and why the city need a new mayor and a new board of directors.
Snarky Media staff filed complaints about illegal campaign activities of three Little Rock City Directors, Joan Adcock, Atwon Phillips and Doris Wright, and all three admitted that they violated the law during their last campaigns for office.