Mercenary LRPD cop Joshua "Kade" Myers blows through stop sign crashing into a vehicle - What will his blood work reveal?
Mercenary LRPD cop Joshua "Kade" Myers |
Russ Racop
July 28, 2020
Early Sunday morning, at approximately 2:55 a.m., mercenary LRPD cop Joshua "Kade" Myers was ripping down Arch Street in pursuit of a vehicle and blasted through a stop sign at the 17th Street intersection t-boning the vehicle of Brannon Kidd.
Another LRPD cop, Jordan Ruff, was riding in the vehicle driven by Myers.
Jordan Ruff - Riding shotgun with Myers |
Ruff has been with LRPD for over a year but has yet to change his voter registration from Fayetteville to Little Rock.
Ruff does has a vehicle assessed here in Pulaski County.
James Ruff is not Jordan's husband, it's his father.
Myers was the cop that was tasked to stay by the killer cop Charles Starks side (suicide watch) after he murdered Bradley Blackshire in February 2019.
Apparently Myers uses alcoholic beverages as a form of self-medication to relieve anxiety and stress.
This is unacceptable and must be rectified.
We requested MVR footage from Myers vehicle and will post it once LRPD has provided it.
A sharp eyed reader might have noticed that a familiar cop was listed as the investigating officer in the report - Brittany Gunn.
Gunn was the cop that killed a man and drove through a brick wall landing smack dab in the middle of University Avenue back in 2017.
LRPD cop Brittany Gunn |
There were allegations that Gunn had some sort of personal relationship with the man she killed, James Hartsfield. Click here to view an article about that.
Besides being a killer cop like Myers mentor Charles Starks, Gunn also has a disciplinary record.
Gunn was also the cop that Chief Keef tasked to go through my social media posts and blog to compile a record of posts I made about his sorry, corrupt, lying, morally bankrupt ass in his failed attempt to get the prosecuting attorney to file charges against me for exercising my First Amendment Rights as a journalist.
You can read our post about that by clicking here.
Gunn is another one of the mercenary cops working for LRPD as she is an outsider that resides in Benton.