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Another fired LRPD cop gets his job back - City leadship trys to hide another failure

 LRPD cop Drew Talbert get his job back but is still a liar and lacks credibility

Little Rock city leadership does not want you to know they lost another court battle dealing with the termination of a corrupt LRPD officer.

Thanks to highly placed sources in LRPD administration, the news was leaked to us last week and we can provide the transparency the city far too often lacks.

On July 2018 mercenary LRPD cop Drew Allen Word Talbert was found to have lied in a report and to superior officers about a DWI traffic stop he made.

He was investigated and subsequently fired for violating departmental policy that required LRPD personnel to be honest and tell the truth.

Talbert appealed his termination to the LR Civil Service Commission.  

A transcript of the proceedings details the episode where Talbert was caught being untruthful, or lying.

The LR Civil Service Commission voted to uphold the termination.

They had to, Talberts untruthfulness was supported by a preponderance of overwhelming evidence - his lying was captured on video.  

Talbert and his LRFOP paid for shyster, Robert Newcomb, further appealed the termination to the Pulaski C0unty Circuit Court. 

Deputy City Attorney Rick Hogan, not the brightest tool in the shed, used the same argument and evidence presented at the LR Civil Service Commission.

Shyster Newcomb argued that the city failed to prove that Talbert was being deceptive when he lied.

Shyster Robert Newcomb- Defender of corrupt cops

The case was heard by batshit crazy Judge Mary McGowan. 

Judge Crazy Mary of the 9th Division Pulaski County Circuit Court
She agreed with the shyster and gave the lying cop his job back.

We published a story about Crazy Mary on our Bad Government in Arkansas Blog back in 2016 and you can read it by clicking here.

Crazy Mary has a history of disciplinary actions was last censured in 2018 by the Arkansas Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission.

You can view the Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission's letter of censure bu clicking here.

The lies that Talbert was fired over had nothing to do with his alleged ignorance of DWI laws, it was statements he made to his superior officer and wrote in reports that were not supported by video footage from the MVR (mobile video recorder) in his patrol vehicle.

Thankfully Crazy Mary is not seeking reelection.

It does not appear that the city is going to appeal this decision.

Shit move on their part.

And Fibber Talbert has already been back at it and has several cases pending in local courts.

If he wrote you a ticket, make sure your attorney knows about his lack of credibility.


Like 80% of all white LRPD sworn officers, Talbert is a mercenary cop as he and most all white officers do not live in Little Rock.

Talbert lives in Cabot as evidenced by his voter registration.

The city of Little Rock needs a residency requirement for police officers and efforts to get a law passed about that very requirement is taking place.

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