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North Little Rock Police Officer Jon Michael Crowder was charged with Battery Third Degree, a misdemeanor offense yesterday afternoon.

The charges stem from an incident on  August 27. 2018 when Crowder responded to a call and injured a suspect during an arrest.

The dash camera video shows Crowder conducting a traffic stop on a blue vehicle at the entrance of SuperStay Motel on West Pershing. 

Crowder had the driver of the vehicle, Kristopher Ryan Lamar step out of the vehicle and move to the rear of the car. Crowder then placed Lamar's hands behind his back, with the assistance of another responding officer, and was able to place him in handcuffs. 

During the course of the arrest,  Crowder lifts Lamar's arms up behind his back, pinning his torso to the car. Crowder then transported Lamar to the North Little Rock Police Department Detective Division. 

While at the station, Lamar complained of a pain in his arms and was transported by another officer to Baptist Health Spring Hill Emergency Room where he was diagnosed as having mildly displaced features of the ulna bone in both elbow joints.

Here is the dash camera video.

After this encounter, a Subject Control file was created per departmental policy and reviewed by supervisory personnel. It was determined that policy violations occurred and resulted in disciplinary action being taken against Crowder.

Crowder was suspended for a period of 30 days starting on October 25, 2018.

Upon reviewing the initial felony case file for the arrested subject, the Pulaski County Prosecutors Office found that the officer’s actions while affecting the arrest rose to a criminal level. 

The Office of the Chief of Police was notified that the Pulaski County Prosecutor would be seeking charges against the officer.

Upon learning this information, Crowder was immediately removed from patrol and placed on modified duty. A criminal investigation was initiated and an affidavit was completed and submitted to the Pulaski County Prosecutor on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at which time, an arrest warrant was issued for misdemeanor Battery 3rd. 

NLRPD Chief Mike Davis provided a statement to news media regarding the incident:

“Protecting the community is at the core of what we do. Ensuring our officers undergo extensive training that emphasizes the need to understand and appreciate their authority and limitations is paramount to ensure we fulfill our mission. We serve at the will of our citizens and we are accountable to our community. Giving officers the authority to use reasonable force and protect the public requires monitoring, evaluation and careful balancing of all interest. As always, we realize that to be effective in an ever-changing world, training and education must continue throughout an officer’s career."


A hearing has been set on Crowder's the Battery 3rd charges on Aughust 28, 2019.


Kristopher Ryan Lamar, the man injured by Crowder was charged with theft by receiving in that incident last year. He got fines and probation.


Crowder has a history of failing to pay his state incomes taxes when due.

We found records that the Department of Finance and Administration had to file numerous liens against him for unpaid taxes.

In one instance, the Sheriff collected the taxes when serving a writ of execution.

***UPDATE - 6/28/19- 3:30PM***

Max Brantley with the Arkansas Times reports that  the city of NLR wrote a check in November 2018 for $30,000 to the victim of Crowder's abusive use of force.

Our research found that the Office of Child Support Enforcement has a judgment filed against the victim. 

Wonder if they got their share before he got his?

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