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Back in June 16th,  LRPD Officer Evan Keith Howell was suspended for pointing a BB gun at a citizen (terroristic threatening) when he responded to a call.


After an internal investigation was conducted, a criminal case file was submitted to the Pulaski County Prosecuting Attorney for review.

The matter was made public on July 9th, and we made a Freedom of Information request.

 LRPD responded our request twenty-two days later on July 31st. 

Responding to our request twenty-two days later is a violation of the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. The AFOIA requires a response withing three days.

That delay was addressed in the second lawsuit our publisher filed against Chief "NegroPapi" Buckner and that delay caused Judge Mackie Pierce to issue this statement to Buckner at the end of the hearing:

Moving on to this morning, we sent a follow-up request to records we asked for over three months ago.

 LRPD responded.

We must pause here to advise you dear readers of a fact - Lt. Ford is a liar.

He lied when giving testimony in our publishers first lawsuit against his boss and in the second one he made a false affidavit and his lie was caught in the direct questioning of his subordinate, Sgt. Rebecca Junkins, which caused city attorney Alex Betton to not call him to testify even though he was present at the hearing


Our publisher started to call him to the stand anyway, but did not want to prolong the hearing as the Judge had another matter hear.  Rest assured, we will have a detailed post about Lt. Michael "Lil Liar" Ford in the coming days.

So once again, our publisher will be appealing LRPD's decision to violate our laws once again and Buckner will be back in court to get "dinged".

Here are some lingering questions about this matter:

Why the officer in his report did not identify Howell's employment as a police officer and did not refer to Howell as Officer Howell in the report narrative is telling.

The report indicates that Officer Howell committed a Class D felony. 

We suspect that the criminal case file LRPD gave to the Pulaski County Prosecuting Attorney accuses Officer Howell of a felony.

Why then is he still employed by LRPD?

Their own policies support his termination. You can view them by clicking here and here.

We found an interesting fact when preparing this post.

The officer that filed the report of this incident, Jude Silva, once arrested Howell when he was a teenager.

***UPDATE 9/17/18*** 

On September 10th we called the Pulaski County Prosecuting Attorney's office to make an inquiry about the Howell case and they transferred us to chief deputy Prosecuting Attorney John Johnson.  We were sent directly to his voicemail and we left a message requesting the status of the Howell case. He never returned our call.

On September 11th we called the Pulaski County Prosecuting Attorney's office again and stated we wanted to make a verbal FOI request. We were transferred to the voicemail of Melanie Martin. We made our verbal FOI request. Again we never received a call back, the requested information  or a deniual of our request.

Perhaps Martin is on a leave of absence so she can campaign for her race for district judge.

JOHNSON AND MARTIN (circled in red)

So we called back today to follow up on our request and to see why it was ignored.

After leaving another voicemail message for Johnson, he called back (perhaps it was our remarks about no one having the balls to return our calls that spurred him to call back this time).  We were told that his office had to send the case back to LRPD for affidavits.

Justice works slow in Pulaski County, especially if the suspect is a law enforcement officer.


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