Many citizens of Little Rock question City Manager Bruce " HomeWrecker" Moore's ability to run the city after several bonehead incidents last year.
The first was he repeated defense of his choice for LRPD Chief, Kenton Tremar Buckner.
Time after time at board meetings when Buckner would come under fire during questioning by City Directors, when Buckner would start to lose it, Moore would step in and try and take control of the conversation.
Add to that was Moore spending $14k of our tax dollars on a month long leadership course for Buckner at Harvard. Why was this expense course necessary? Why did Buckner need to spend a month learning how to be a leader? Click here for additional details about Buckner's wasting of public funds.
Then there was Moore's $10k mistake with the LRPD recruit bonus program.
It is important to note that when Moore first revealed his intention to give LRPD recruits $5k when they completed training he clearly called the $5k no-strings -attached payment a "bonus."
Watch this video and listen to him.
People often use bonus and incentive without making a true distinction, but in truth, they are slightly different. That is why Moore lied about ever calling the $5k payment to LRPD recruits a bonus and started calling it an incentive.
Both of them cover elements of compensation that go above and beyond the normal, recurring income of the employee (base pay or basic + allowances). But they differ as follows:
A bonus is a payment which is backward-looking and usually discretionary or at least not expected from the employee(s). A decision is made to pay it to one, a group or all employees, based on criteria decided by management to reward past achievements, such as reaching a specific profit or some important milestones for the organization (like graduating from the police academy), or in a totally discretionary manner.
So it is generally decided after the fact. A bonus is usually paid in cash, or sometimes in cash-equivalent such as stock options or other forms of equity. A bonus is non-guaranteed and usually on-the-spot.
An incentive is a plan which is forward-looking. Payment is tied to the achievement of specific objectives that have been per-determined and communicated to the employees that are on the plan. The purpose of the incentive scheme is to influence behavior to reach the objectives by providing an incentive to work towards the goals.
An incentive can be paid in cash or in non-monetary award, for example some gifts or travel (especially for sales). The incentive plan is not discretionary : if the upfront, agreed objectives are reached, the payment or award is made.
But another bigger problem exists with the $5k payment to recruits, there are no stipulations concerning the payment. Two of the first recruits to get the money from Moore quit and walked away with the money. One after three months and the other after six months.
Moore told board members at a recent board meeting that stipulations were not necessary as there had been no problems. Bold face lie, but maybe Moore does not think a $10k loss is not a big deal.
Another example of why Moore has no credibility is the false and defamatory email he sent to Directors and others about Reverend Benny Johnson. Moore also repeated the lie when he addressed the Black Police Officers Association.
Moore refused to make a public apology to Rev. Johnson. Coward is the nicest word we can use.
Moore also made false statements about the mass shooting at the Ultra Power Lounge that resulted in the Prosecuting Attorney berating him.
Moore refused to make a public apology to Rev. Johnson. Coward is the nicest word we can use.
Moore also made false statements about the mass shooting at the Ultra Power Lounge that resulted in the Prosecuting Attorney berating him.
Add to this the allegations about his moral character in regard to affairs with married women and city employees.
Moore need to go and the time is now.
#TimeForChange #CleanOutLRCityHall
Moore need to go and the time is now.
#TimeForChange #CleanOutLRCityHall