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Thanks to Jake Bleed with the Department of Finance and Administration, we have again been provided information about underage individuals that the ABC uses in illegal sting operations. 

The reason that the use of underage individuals is illegal, is that Arkansas Code Annotated § 3-3-203 clearly and unequivocally states that it is unlawful for any person under 21 years of age to purchase or have in his or her possession any intoxicating liquor, wine or beer.  

As we previously posted this fact was also documented in a Congressional Report on underage drinking and compliance practices.

Another state agency, Arkansas Tobacco Control,  uses underage individuals in tobacco compliance operations, but they have an exception in the Arkansas law that forbids individuals under 18 years of age from purchasing or possessing tobacco products.


The ABC and the DFA have refused to provide an explanation as to how they believe that they are able to violate the law and encourage underage individuals to break the law in their sting operations.

Granted, the ABC Board can make rules and regulations but they cannot change the law.

So as a public service, once again we are passing on information provided to us to assist the public in an effort to stop the ABC lawbreakers and their corruption of Arkansas' youth and young adults.

Emily Barrett - Springdale
Brianna Berry - Rogers
Lexa Blake - Marion/Fayetteville

Hannah Boydston - Bentonville
Erin Bradley - Marion
Dymond Brazell - Pine Bluff
Peyton Brooks - Van Buren
Carson Broussard - Jacksonville
Cydney Cheatham - Sheridan/Arkadelphia
Michaela Davis - Greenwood/Hot Springs
Brady Devazier - Wynne

Claire Marie Ebbing - Fayetteville

Cayne Ford - Booneville
Keegan Foster - West Fork
Madison Gauert - Pea Ridge

Raigan Gorman - Warren
Jerome Gurley - North Little Rock

Tanner Hess -Forrest City
Dalton Hinton - Texarkana
Leah Holaway - Clarksville
Carlos Hussian, Jr. - Little Rock
August Jenkins - Fayetteville
Sean Jernigan - Paragould
Jamie Fleming Johnson - Warren
Marcus Kasch - Fouke
Spencer Kelly - Greenbrier

Sidney Kelly - Vilonia
Destinee Kemp -Bentonville
Hayden Brooke Laird - Fayetteville
Logan Laird - Forrest City
Asia Kirkpatrick Langley - Glenwood
Jacob Lawson - Palestine
Mckenzie Martinez - Little Rock
Cade Matthews - Alma
Miranda Morgan - Bonanza
Tyronee Morris - Blytheville
Gavin Prince - Mountain View
Shunterria Pugh - Pine Bluff
Wes Rains - Mountain View
Jacob Reich - Siloam Springs
Ashley Rocco - Fayetteville
Callen Russell - Pea Ridge
Hunter Scott - El Dorado
Kylee Shepherd - Springdale
Rylan Sims - Farmington

Madison Smart - Cabot
Malorie Smithson - Cabot
Tammaria Straughn - Pine Bluff
Brittany Tessitore - Warren
John "Jack" Threet - Fayetteville
Thomas Trezza - Cabot
Dakota Turner
Jaxson Wall - Muldrow, OK
Brooklyn Waller - El Dorado

Andrew Ware - Mountain Home
Alvin Warren III - Little Rock

Autumn Wesson - Warren
Gabriel West - Little Rock/Arkadelphia
Jonathon Wiles - Fouke
Michael Wright - Texarkana

The illegal operations these individuals are involved in with the ABC rakes in thousands of dollars for the ABC each month.  

In June, the fines for sales to underage individuals totaled over $37,000.00.
To use a term that tainted ABC Director Boyce Hamlet likes to toss out, most of these young adults are not technically minors.  

In Arkansas the age or majority is 18.  Once you turn 18 you are legally an adult.

This may create a technical issue if the ABC uses an adult operative instead of a minor and cites a permit holder for unknowingly selling alcohol to a minor.


 Stay tuned as we will delve into specific stings/citations made by the ABC in the coming weeks.

Our previous posts on cooperating minors:

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