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The ABC will go after a Hispanic or black bootlegger and raid their homes and confiscate alcoholic beverages and charge them with a criminal offense, but they let white bootleggers slide.

We base this on a complaint made to us and after careful research of documents reluctantly provided to us by the ABC in response to Freedom of Information requests.

We reported on an operation by the Russellville Police Department that tainted ABC Enforcement Director Boyce Hamlet tried take full credit for the operation. 


The man whose home was raided,  Alisido Mendez, was arrested and charged for selling alcoholic beverages in a dry county. They seized a truck load of booze.

Then in Alexander, the ABC raided the home of Angela Badgett-StrawShe has a business, Angel's Sugar Shack.


These alleged bootleggers came to the attention of the ABC by individuals emailing complaints to the ABC.   And they were shut down. At least for a while.

Apparently Angela is back in business.

Heck they even went after an old black man in his late 70's in an old poor folks residence for trying to help his less fortunate friends get their drink on.

But the ABC seems to not go after alleged bootleggers that are white. 

Case in point...

A newly ordained elder (fully connected minister) at Salem United Methodist Church in Conway, Todd Vick, sent an email to the ABC complaining about Will Davis, after he trolled him on Facebook on a group page , Beer Geeks of Arkansas.



It appears that Reverend Vick never heard the old saying, "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

We say that because the United Methodist Church has a long-standing stance against the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

  In fact, in their Book of Discipline, they make it pretty darn clear that UMC clergy would be advised to abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages.

According to Rev. Vick's Facebook page, he doesn't take his vows too seriously.

Yes dear friends, Rev. Vick is a drinker and vow breaker.


Anyway, the ABC assigned the investigation of Rev. Vick's complaint to Agent Rob Bacile.

Bacile investigated and decided that Davis selling his homebrew was no big deal. No search warrant, no raid, no confiscation of his homebrew and equipment, and no we did such a good job email to his boss and the governor's office by tainted ABC Enforcement Director Boyce Hamlet.

And of course Davis is white.


It wasn't enough for Rev. Vick to point out that what Davis was doing was illegal, he didn't offer him guidance or show him forgiveness for his transgressions... he tattled on him to the ABC and offered to do anything to get Davis in trouble.

Was Rev. Vick upset that he could not taste Davis' brew?  Does Rev. Vick brew beer in the church parsonage or in the church itself??? This are questions that Rev. Vick refused to answer.

Clearly the ABC did not want to gear up and raid Davis' residence, nor confiscate his homebrewed beer, or charge him with a crime. Why? Because he is white.   

Tainted ABC Enforcement Director Boyce Hamlet needs to be removed and a new qualified, honest and trustworthy individual needs to replace him.

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